Thursday, April 4, 2019


This voicemail from a Meals on Wheels client was recently received by InterServ during one of our
numerous snow storms this winter.

“I get my meals three times a week and I am just calling, basically, this is supposed to be a very dangerous week regarding this weather. I am concerned about the people getting out in this terrible, terrible weather. I am concerned for their well-being. And I do have some food here. I don’t want them coming out for my sake and endangering their lives.
I guess basically why I am calling is I want you to know that I will be OK if they can’t make it. But, I know that there are some people that just have to have it. Maybe they have nothing at all, not even a cracker and they are going to need their food. But, I am just worried about these guys. I asked my little guy today “Where are your gloves?” Those little hands get cold.
You know they are just really wonderful volunteers. And, I want you to know that I just appreciate this and their efforts.”
Compassion for our fellow human beings exsists on both sides of the delivery bag. Our clients are also compassionate and caring for those who serve them as well.